Connectivity and Compromise: Insights from Avanci Vehicle’s Laurie Fitzgerald on the latest Clause 8 Podcast

In today’s interconnected world, the inventions covered by standard essential patents (SEPs) are critical. Laurie Fitzgerald, President of Avanci Vehicle, recently shared her insights on the Clause 8 podcast, discussing how Avanci is working to simplify SEP licensing and foster the widespread adoption of standardized technologies.

Avanci Vehicle operates at the intersection of the telecom and automotive industries, bringing together cellular SEP holders and automakers in an optional one-stop licensing platform with transparent universal pricing. Since its launch in 2016, platform participation has steadily grown to include dozens of licensors and more than 100 automotive brands from all around the world.  

In a wide-ranging discussion with Clause 8 host Eli Mazour, Laurie discusses key aspects of the Avanci Vehicle platform including its royalty allocation methodology, system for checking patent essentiality, how Avanci arrives at the terms for its optional joint licenses, the challenges in reaching a multi-party compromise, the skills she considers most important for licensing, and more. For a deeper dive into Avanci’s story, you can listen to the full Clause 8 podcast episode here.

Simple and efficient: that's Avanci

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