Avanci Broadcast
A new approach to licensing for the next generation of broadcast technologies
Avanci Broadcast is a new licensing platform bringing together licensors and licensees to create a one-stop licensing platform for the ATSC 3.0 standard.
Developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee, the ATSC 3.0 standard has been adopted for over-the-air TV broadcasts in countries including the United States and South Korea. Also known as NextGen TV, ATSC 3.0 enables 4K / UHD broadcast with higher frame rates, better color, better sound, and other technical improvements over the previous standard. It also works hand-in-hand with content delivered over the internet for services such as customized advertising, on-demand content, interactivity, and premium content.
Avanci Broadcast is a one-stop licensing platform for licensors and licensees of essential patents for the ATSC 3.0 standard. The Avanci Broadcast platform offers a simple and transparent approach for manufacturers of products such as TVs and set-top boxes that implement the standard.
Avanci Broadcast builds on the trust, experience, and success of the team responsible for the Avanci Vehicle one-stop marketplace for connected vehicles. It licenses portfolios collectively representing more than 80% of the patent families containing declared ATSC 3.0 patents, and the initial licensees are responsible for the vast majority of ATSC 3.0 televisions sold to date.
Licensees participating in Avanci Broadcast

Licensors participating in Avanci Broadcast

Base per-unit royalty rates, per TV / set-top box
License Signed | Per Unit |
Within 6 months of shipping first ATSC 3.0 product | $2.75 through 2028 |
More than 6 months after shipping first ATSC 3.0 product | $3.00 through 2028 |
For additional royalty terms and rates for other products, please contact us
Solely for set-top boxes, the royalty will be waived for the first 75,000 units sold if the license is signed before the later of February 28, 2024 or within 6 months after the first sale of an ATSC 3.0 set-top box. The term “set-top box” includes products sometimes referred to as “dongles” for televisions.
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The Avanci Broadcast platform streamlines the process of licensing standard-essential patents for ATSC 3.0 (also known as NextGen TV) technologies. It brings together patent licensors and manufacturers of ATSC 3.0 products (such as TVs and set-top boxes) to license these essential technologies under a single license at fair, fixed rates. Avanci Broadcast makes the licensing process simpler and more efficient for all.
New generations of broadcast technologies are driven by standardization. These standards make it possible for products to receive ATSC 3.0 signals, regardless of their manufacturer or the broadcast network.
Standards are developed when technology experts at various companies are willing to share their new inventions with the entire industry in an open manner. In order to recoup their R&D investment in creating these inventions, these ideas are often patented in order to establish ownership by the company that had the idea in the first place. The new ideas are then voted on by industry experts and the very best rise to the top, ultimately becoming part of a new standard.
When a patented technology becomes part of a standard, it’s referred to as a standard-essential patent. A standard-essential patent is evaluated and granted by a national patent office just like any other patent. What makes it a standard-essential patent is that the invention covered by the patent must be used in order to implement the standard.
Avanci Broadcast offers a license to patents essential to the ATSC 3.0 over-the-air broadcast standard used by products such as TVs and set-top boxes. Our license includes all the essential patents for the ATSC 3.0 standard owned or licensable by the licensors that have joined our platform, whenever they join, including any such patents they develop or acquire during the term of the license.
The platform currently licenses the ATSC 3.0 standard-essential patents of several licensors as listed above, which collectively represent more than 80% of all declared essential patents, and we expect to add more licensors in future.
Manufacturers of end-user products that receive over-the-air broadcasts using the ATSC 3.0 standard should take a license from Avanci Broadcast. Our licensing program is now up and running. If you are bringing a new ATSC 3.0 product to market or have already begun selling such a product, you should contact us to learn more about the Avanci Broadcast license.
Avanci Broadcast is licensing the essential technology that is necessary when adding ATSC 3.0 capabilities to a new product. A license from Avanci Broadcast covers the entire ATSC 3.0 standard-essential patent portfolios owned or licensable by the licensors already on the platform, plus the ATSC 3.0 standard-essential patents of new licensors that join Avanci Broadcast in the future. Depending on the functionality of your product, you may also need to obtain licenses that cover other elements of the product.
The license covers products sold in regions where ATSC 3.0 is currently being implemented, including Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and the United States.
As the ATSC 3.0 standard is implemented in new countries, products sold in these regions can be included, as well.
The next generation of over-the-air broadcast technologies is enabling new products—creating opportunities for manufacturers. Given the complexities of the patent licensing process, it can be difficult for them to know what patents are needed and how to license them.
Avanci Broadcast makes the process of implementing this new broadcast standard easy. Our one-stop platform offers manufacturers a license to the patented essential ATSC 3.0 technologies needed for their products from multiple licensors under a single agreement, at transparent, fair rates, without the need for time-consuming individual negotiations with many different patent owners.
We welcome you to join us—and many other industry-leading innovators—to make your patented broadcast technology available to makers of ATSC 3.0 products. Avanci Broadcast connects patent owners and manufacturers in one platform, without the need for complex negotiations—speeding up the process of securing technology rights for new products while ensuring you receive a fair return on your R&D investment. Please contact us to learn more about licensing your ATSC 3.0 standard-essential patents through the platform.
Avanci Broadcast’s simple and transparent pricing means everyone pays a fair license rate. License rates are based on the value the covered technologies bring to that product, not the product’s sale price. Our platform also offers the best price by minimizing transaction costs and allowing you to obtain one license, rather than licensing the covered patents from multiple individual licensors. You can find the base per-unit royalty rates for TVs and set-top boxes in the pricing section above, and additional pricing information is available upon request by contacting us.
Absolutely. Avanci Broadcast shares a commitment with the broadcast ecosystem to make the latest technology available in a way that is fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND). This well-established industry principle ensures that those using the technology in their ATSC 3.0 products have access at consistent and transparent terms, and those creating the technology receive a fair return on their investment.
The royalty rates in your Avanci Broadcast license will not increase as new licensors join the Avanci Broadcast platform and the number of patents included in your license grows.
This means there is no reason for manufacturers to delay taking a license, as the value of the license is likely to increase as more patent owners come on board. Let’s get started!
Yes. Your license from Avanci Broadcast will automatically include our licensors’ entire ATSC 3.0 patent portfolio, including both new additions to their portfolios and new additions to the ranks of our licensors, for the duration of your license agreement.